Sigma Nu opposes the practice of Hazing

When it comes to hazing, fraternities often find themselves in the spotlight. However, Sigma Nu stands apart from the crowd. Our fraternity's foundation is built on honor, forged in rebellion against the prevalent culture of hazing at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia. Today, that founding principle remains as strong as ever.

At Sigma Nu, we prioritize the education of our undergraduate and alumni members, emphasizing the importance of teaching our Candidates (new members) through activities that are completely free of hazing. Our LEAD Program (Leadership, Ethics, Achievement, Development) serves as the cornerstone of this approach, fostering personal growth and character development without resorting to harmful practices.

In our continued efforts to combat hazing, Sigma Nu is proud to provide an anonymous reporting system for acts of hazing. This service is not only available to our undergraduate members but to everyone concerned about the well-being of individuals within our fraternity or beyond. Should you witness or suspect any form of hazing, we urge you to reach out to our toll-free Anti-Hazing Hotline at 1-800-NOT-HAZE or send an email to Your identity will remain confidential; you do not have to disclose your name.

Sam’s Law Violations in the past 5 years: 1